Our Management Committee
Luke Reade (President)
Passionate about climate change action and renewables, Luke is the founding President of Energetic Communities Association and Senior Policy Advocate (Energy and Climate Change). He has 20 years experience as a scientist, activist or adviser and was the Queensland State Manager for ICLEI – Cities for Climate Protection Program. Luke has worked in Australian, European and International consultancy, community, climate and energy research, energy auditing, offshore renewable energy, environmental science and environmental impact assessment. Currently he researches and provides policy advice and analysis on energy and climate change as they relate to vulnerable and disadvantaged communities and households. He has worked in Australian, European and International consultancy, community, climate and energy research, energy auditing, offshore renewable energy, environmental science and environmental impact assessment. He has also twice attended the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP) on Climate Change with the Irish delegation. Luke also has a background in permaculture and a strong interest business and social models that lead to a fairer world.
Anthony Broese van Groenou (Treasurer)
Anthony is a PhD candidate researching socio-technical systems and modelling of uptake for home battery energy systems and Electric Vehicles, identifying opportunities and barriers and equitable transition. He is also a freelance videographer with broadcast credit. He also has a Bachelor of Environmental Management and Sustainable Development with first-class Honors from the University of Queensland and a Diploma in Business Management. His thesis investigated human capacity building in Community Owned Renewable Energy (CORE) projects, specifically looking at Indigenous ownership on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island, QLD). In 2016 Anthony was Research Assistant for a PhD project focusing on quantifying co-benefits of CORE, visiting and interviewing Australian community owned wind and solar farms in WA, VIC and NSW. In 2014, he went on a research tour of CORE projects across the Netherlands, Scotland and Denmark, including Samsoe 100% renewable energy Island, exploring various ownership, investment and operational models. Anthony’s extensive international work history includes projects in multimedia (film, photography, web design), permaculture, renewable energy systems design, community development work and the arts.
Rob Farago
A Solar Power professional with 25 years engineering experience, Rob graduated with a BE in Computer Systems from the University of Qld in 1988. Since then he has worked on writing software, building the internet and installing renewable energy, sometimes simultaneously. Rob co-founded Local Power, installing solar for over 1000 homes, community groups and businesses, using an innovative and community centred business model.
Annie McCabe
Annie is a researcher and public policy professional and has a PhD in the sociology of community energy movements – on how community energy groups fulfil a number of sustainability goals by building on community capital and localising energy system supply chains. She has traveled around Australia talking to community energy groups of all different shapes and sizes. She is passionate about the role that communities can play in shaping a just and fair energy future. She also holds a Bachelor of Environmental Management (honours) from the University of Queensland, and has knowledge and interest around a number of industrial ecology-based methods, including life cycle assessment and systems science applications.
Clare Silcock
Clare is a renewable energy engineer who has worked in electricity market modelling, energy management and policy. She recently worked for the Mayor of London’s zero carbon team and was a director of South East London Community Energy, which operates 330kW of community-owned solar on schools.