FoodConnect Shed


Community Solar – Food Connect Shed!

Community Energy is happening in Queensland – we’ve successfully raised the full $60,792 community investment for the first community energy project by a Queensland community energy group. This is obviously great news and a long time coming. We thank those who have invested in this exciting project.

We’d like to thank everyone who supported us and patiently waited as we developed this project. In particular, we would like to thank our friends at Repower Shoalhaven and Sian Thomas from Sian Thomas Lawyers, community energy legal extraordinaire!

If you missed out, don’t worry, we are looking forward to another community renewables project already! If you know of sites, please get in touch!

The community solar power system and battery are powering the Food Connect Shed (Local Food Hub)  site (itself a community-driven project) using the community financing through  Energetic Communities One Pty Ltd. As the Food Connect Shed pays for their power via a community Solar Power Purchase Agreement, they access cheaper electricity bills and the community investors get a return on investment. This means that Food Connect Shed is not wasting money, reducing GHG emissions, while also adding a community benefit. After 10 years, Food Connect Shed will then own the solar system and access free electricity.

The Energetic Communities One Food Connect Shed Solar Power System (installed by Local Power) includes:

  • Unit 1: 19.47 kW Solar PV system
  • Unit 2: 25.96 kW Solar PV system
  • Battery: Unit 1: 2 x 9.8 kWh batteries and 1 x battery inverter
  • Unit 2: 2 x 9.8 kWh batteries and 1 x battery inverter

So who’s being powered by Energetic Communities One?

Some of the amazing social enterprises and businesses who will benefit from this and can now say they’re powered by community solar!: